
How do I start fundraising?

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Start by logging into your personal fundraising page here, or by clicking the link in your confirmation email. You can personalize the page by uploading your photo and providing a description of why you’re running—we've provided a sample description to make it easy for you.

After your page is set up, share it on your social media channels and spread the word to family and friends.

What is my personal fundraising page?

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It’s the place where friends and family can donate to you online. It’s up to you to personalize it by adding images and messages to show everyone why you’re participating, and why they should support you. Contact us at if you need help accessing your personal fundraising page.

How can people find my personal fundraising page?

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After you register or log into your personal fundraising page, you’ll see your personal fundraising page link at the top of your dashboard. You can copy that link and send it to your supporters.

Friends or family can also search for your name, or your fundraiser’s name on our site, and find your fundraising page.

How do I submit offline donations?

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You can enter offline donations from your friends and family right in your own dashboard. Go to “My Donations” then “Add Offline Donation”. You will input donor details for each donation you have received offline and make the donation via your own credit card and keep the cash. If you prefer, you can also mail in your offline donations form (please note that it may take up to 3 weeks for those donations to be added to your fundraising page).

How can I promote my fundraiser on social media?

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Click the social media share buttons on your fundraising page to share your fundraiser on your preferred platforms. Please tag @bcchf in all posts that you make on social media, we will repost everything that we can. 

At the beginning of every month, we share a Community Events round-up on our Instagram to promote local, public facing events open to the public. If given enough notice (minimum 1 month in advance), we can include your event into the monthly round-up.

Do you have any promotional materials you can send me?

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Yes! We have promotional materials such as banners, balloons, stickers and posters that we would be happy to send you to help promote your fundraising event. Please send your request with desired quantity of items & your mailing address to - please note that we need at least 2 weeks notice to ensure the package gets to you in time for your event.

Can you contact the local media to promote my event?

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Unfortunately, due to the large volume of events and in fairness to all event organizers, BCCHF cannot contact the media to promote your event. If you would like to reach out to local media outlets, please use this Media Advisory Template. 

Can you come to my event?

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Unfortunately, due to the large volume of community events, BCCHF staff are unable to attend each one. To share the impact of the fundraising, we highly recommend event organizers to share the videos on our YouTube Channel or read the latest edition of our Shine Magazine which delivers a behind-the-scenes look at what’s happening in BC Children’s Hospital. 


What do I do if I forget my password?

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If you can’t remember your details after registration, you can select “LOGIN” at the top right corner of our navigation bar. This will open the login popup where it will ask for your email address and password. Simply click “Forgot password” and follow the prompts to reset your password. If you have any questions or need assistance to reset your password, please email us at and we can assist you.

What donations are eligible for a tax receipt?

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Donations $20+ are eligible for a tax receipt. All donations made to online fundraising page will be tax receipted automatically, please check your junk mail if you do not see this within 24 hours of making your donation. 

Facebook Fundraisers

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As of 2019, a new fundraising feature within Facebook is available. Facebook may prompt you to create a Facebook Fundraiser when you create or share a post about BC Children’s Hospital Foundation. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to track donations that come through Facebook fundraising pages, so it is important to NOT USE one for your fundraising. When donations come through Facebook, we do not have the ability to see donor information or to who the donation should be attributed to, so these funds cannot be added to your fundraising page.

As this is a Facebook feature, we cannot prevent the prompt from appearing on your Facebook page. When prompted, simply select the X in the top right corner to remove the prompt. If you have set up a Facebook Fundraiser, please deactivate it immediately. We still encourage sharing your fundraising page on Facebook through your dashboard or by simply pasting your page link in a new post. We apologize for the inconvenience and are happy to answer any questions regarding Facebook Fundraising.