Host Your Own Balding

Host Your Own Balding

Hosting your own Balding for Dollars event can be a rewarding and meaningfulway to support kids and families affected by cancer.

If you’re looking to get involved but can’t make it out to one of annual events in Vancouver, Kelowna or Whistler, consider hosting your own event!

There are a lot of different ways you can fundraise and support Balding for Dollars, even if your event doesn’t involve a head shave. Fundraising events can take many forms, such as bake sales, cookie drives, lemonade stands, books sales, music concerts, dance performances, product collaborations, golf tournaments, or a school or company-wide initiative.

Please contact for help or support in bringing your fundraising idea to life. Or, if your idea is ready-to-go, get started now and sign-up to create your own fundraising page.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Kyle & Kerri Brailean


Bernie Ryan

Cherie, you are the best! Go Cherie Go ;-)