Event Schedule
- 8:40 am - Race warm up begins at start line for 2k/5k runners and RBC Olympians will be available for autograph signing
- 9:00am to 10:00am – 2km and 5km race starts
- 9:30 am to 12 pm - Festival Celebration opens!
T-shirt pick up
Check back soon for where you can pick up your t-shirts and bibs ahead of race day!
Start Line
The start line will be located at the Elk/Beaver Lake filter beds. Please note that this is a trail run, so the surface may be uneven, plan ahead with proper footwear and gear!
Parking is extremely limited around the event site, so we suggest transit, biking or carpooling as an alternative.
Post-run festival
Stick around after the run for some post-event festival fun for the whole family! There will be live music, a booth with fruit and veggies from BC Produce Marketing Association, fun games, face painting and more!
Picking up your fundraising capes
For those who have raised $500 or more, fundraising capes will be available at the registration tent until 8:35 am on Sunday morning or during our t-shirt pick up day on June 8th.
NEW this year, If you’re a healthcare worker, stop by our cape tent and grab one of our blue healthcare hero capes..
Safety is our top priority to ensure a fun race day experience. By planning ahead and following essential safety tips, runners can enjoy their race day to the fullest. Make sure participate in our warm-up, stay hydrated, wear appropriate footwear, and choose a running corral for your fitness level. Here are some safety precautions we have in place to make race day safe and enjoyable for everyone!
Staying safe on the race route
Buddy System: We encourage participants to run with a buddy or in groups. This ensures that someone is always there to help in case of an emergency – and running is better with friends! We ask that a parent or guardian run the route with children under the age of 16 as we have thousands of runners joining us on race day and it can be easy for children to get lost or hurt in a busy environment without supervision.
Pick a meeting spot: If you do get separated from your guardian or group on race day, be sure to have picked out a meeting spot before you leave on your run. Pick a landmark like the main stage or picnic shelter. If you do find yourself separated, find a volunteer in a green shirt or a race official.
Have contact information handy: We will provide wristbands at t-shirt pick up for kids, please use these and fill them out with a guardian’s contact information, so if you get separated on race day, officials can help to reunite you. Race bibs are also a great place to include your contact info!
First Aid
Emergency Response