Sarah Powell

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I’m helping kids be mighty

As the only hospital in BC devoted exclusively to kids, BC Children’s provides the specialized care that seriously ill kids need to fight their health battles.

Amazing progress has been made in improving children’s health care. But the fact is, there’s still more to do when it comes to taking on the biggest health threats facing our kids.

Your donation to my RBC Race for the Kids fundraising page will help advance care for kids across the province and support experts at BC Children’s Hospital in their quest to conquer childhood illnesses.

Thank you for your support.

My Achievements






My updates

I'm running in the 2024 Race for Kids, a fundraiser for the BC Children's Hospital.

Tuesday 4th Jun
The BC Children's Hospital has a special place in my heart: I was born with severe tibial torsion. From the time I was 6-months old to the age of 6, I was in and out of BCCH receiving treatments (and follow-up popsicles.) Through much of my pre-school and kindergarten years my legs were in braces and casts to correct the position of my bones. From the sports I have participated in, the traveling I've done, to my work in aquatics, I would not have lived the life I have lived without the care I received at BCCH. I feel so grateful to be able to pay that back in a small way. If you have the means to donate, please consider donating through my link.

Thank you to my supporters


Mary Clinton

Go buddy go!!


Kendal Crawford




Run Rudolph Run


Khushali Salehkar


Sarah Powell


Carson Metcalfe

Nice work!



Great work Sarah!


Ian Mitchell


Jimbo Lahey

have a good run uncle jimbo


Christine Knox


Brooke Kuyvenhoven

Good luck!


Andrew Wolfe

I hope you win!




Bc Dairy


Caillie Thomson


Joan Wiggins

Have a good run this weekend Sarah!


Cody Mcmullin


Griselda Martin

Sarah, this is a lovely. Hugs to you


Rebecca Duron


Ross Powell

Good for you Sarah!

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