I’m helping kids be mighty
As the only hospital in BC devoted exclusively to kids, BC Children’s provides the specialized care that seriously ill kids need to fight their health battles.
Amazing progress has been made in improving children’s health care. But the fact is, there’s still more to do when it comes to taking on the biggest health threats facing our kids.
Your donation to my RBC Race for the Kids fundraising page will help advance care for kids across the province and support experts at BC Children’s Hospital in their quest to conquer childhood illnesses.
Thank you for your support.
My Team

Andrew Pope

Anne Babel

Anthea Zwick

Arlo Maher

Austin Zwick

Aymara Forde

Benji Cheyne

Beth sanders

Carol Cremin

Daniela Forde (C)

Emmeline Zwick

Evan Fancourt-Smith

Gillian Edworthy

Harper Findlay

Henry Embleton-Forrest

Henry So

Hon Leong

Iasmim Pereira

Jack Cheyne

James Carkner

Jennifer Duff

Kaia Pope

Kasim Husain

Kerri Fancourt-Smith

Lauren Gallagher

Lisa Leong McPhee

Lisa Findlay

Lorin Pearce

Luca Pope

Maggie Pereira Duff

Maria Pontikis

Mark Fancourt-Smith

Miles Fancourt-Smith

Oisin Forde

Paisley Baldwin

Pernille Faaborg-Andersen

Peter Forde

Piper Findlay

Quinn McPhee

Rowan Cheyne

Ryan Goldvine

Sam Embleton-Forrest

Sara Getz

Sarah Baldwin

Sebastian Sanders

Sylvan Husain

Tim Findlay

Wes McPhee